Want to Avoid the Need for Dental Implants? New Jersey Specialists Explain the Perils of Periodontal Disease, PART 1

This three-part article series explains what gum disease is and the various signs and symptoms it comes hand-in-hand with. We also explore patients’ various treatment options.

Periodontal disease – peri meaning “around” and dontal “the tooth” – is a pervasive oral disease that affects a staggering percentage of the American population. As much as 80% of New Jersey residents have some form or stage of this disease and it explains, in the majority of cases, just why the rate of tooth loss is so high in this country. Avoiding tooth loss and the need for dental implants, therefore, comes down to three important things:

1. Good oral hygiene and preventative care,

2. Recognizing the signs and symptoms of gum disease,

3. Seeking prompt treatment.

In this three-part article series, the New Jersey dental implants professionals will be helping us with point # 2 by explaining how periodontal disease frequently presents and what can be done to halt the progression of this very destructive condition.

What is Periodontal Disease?

Periodontal DiseasePeriodontal or gum disease is an advanced bacterial infection of the gums and the supporting structures of the teeth. It is caused by a lack of proper at-home and professional oral hygiene and comes hand-in-hand with risk factors such as:

1. Tobacco-use

2. Certain diseases (diabetes),

3. Periods of hormonal fluctuations (menopause and pregnancy),

4. Excessive alcohol intake,

5. A diet high in sugar,

6. Certain chronic medications.

Even your genetic heritage and gender can leave you at a greater risk of developing periodontal disease, especially without adequate preventative dental healthcare. While there are dental implant procedures designed to give patients who have lost most or all of their teeth (or who have been diagnosed with a “terminal” or “failing dentition”) new teeth in one day, prevention is always better and cheaper than cure.

How Does Periodontal Disease Progress?

Gum disease begins as a well-known condition called “gingivitis,” which is characterized by an inflammation of the gums.

Periodontal Disease Treatment

“Plaque, a sticky white substance consisting of bacteria, forms in the oral cavity throughout the day and this is essentially unavoidable,” say dental implant surgeons in New Jersey. “Without frequent and thorough brushing and flossing and without regular visits to the oral hygienist for a professional clean, plaque hardens to form tartar. Your gums don’t like this and they respond by becoming inflamed and swollen. At this stage, the disease is typically diagnosed as gingivitis.”

“Over time, without professional intervention and good home oral hygiene efforts, gingivitis is allowed to progress. Oral bacteria produce acidic by-products that erode away at the dental enamel forming cavities, which allow for further decay. This acid also destroys the ligaments attaching the gums to the teeth, which enables bacteria to migrate into the natural pockets surrounding the teeth, essentially deepening them. Eventually, deep pockets of bacteria collect around the tooth roots and it is at this stage that a person will likely be diagnosed with gum disease.

“It is also at this stage that the disease is unlikely to be halted without professional help. Tooth loss is a typical consequence of untreated gum disease and while we can give those who have been determined candidates new teeth in one day, we won’t proceed with dental implant treatment until health has been restored to the oral cavity,” explain dental implant professionals in New Jersey.

Stay Tuned for Part 2

To find out more about the signs and symptoms of gum disease and the treatments for this condition, stay tuned for the second installment of this three-part article series.

New Teeth Professionals in Rutherford NJ: Understanding Diabetes and Your Oral Health, PART 1

This two-part article series provides an in-depth look at the relationship between diabetes and oral health and how Rutherford residents living with this condition can better protect their teeth and gums.

There is a clear link between diabetes and the health of your teeth and gums. More specifically, people living with diabetes are at a higher risk of developing gum disease and vice versa. Fortunately, there are things Rutherford residents living with this condition can do to protect their smiles against the ravages of this disease and we shall be speaking to a dental implants professional in New Jersey about these measures in this two-part article series. First, however, let’s take a look at the oral health risks that come hand-in-hand with being a diabetic…

Diabetes and Oral Health Risks

If you are currently living with diabetes, you may find yourself at a greater risk of the following oral health issues:

Dry mouth: A condition characterized by the slowed production of saliva. This is problematic because your saliva plays an integral role in protecting your teeth and gums from bacteria.

Fungal infections: For example, thrush, which is terribly uncomfortable, both phyRutherford Dental Professionalsically and in social situations.

Cavities: Soft holes in the dental enamel of your teeth caused by the acidic wastes produced oral bacteria. If left unfilled, these holes can become enlarged by further erosion, eventually forming a pathway into the “nerve” of the tooth at which stage infection can set in. “Untreated cavities can necessitate new teeth,” says a Rutherford dental professional.

Slowed healing: “People with diabetes sometimes tend to take a longer time to heal, which can lead to a problem after dental surgery,” explains a dental implants professional in New Jersey. “This can cause complications and a greater risk of post-operative infection. Dental implant patients with diabetes need to be watched a little more closely in the months following the placement of their new teeth.”

In spite of these oral health problems, there are steps that Rutherford residents living with diabetes can take to minimize the risk of permanent damage to their smiles.

The Link Between Diabetes and Gum Disease

Dental Implants“One of the greatest problems with diabetes is that it renders patients more vulnerable to gum disease and less able to fight off the kind of bacterial infections that lead to it,” explains a new teeth Professionals in Rutherford NJ. “These patients might initially experience gingivitis, which is the beginning stage of gum disease with symptoms that might include swollen, inflamed and spongy gums that easily tear and bleed when brushed or flossed. If allowed to progress, however, the infection can migrate deep down into the soft tissue surrounding the tooth roots, allowing deep pockets of bacteria and bacterial wastes to accumulate.”

“This infection doesn’t only cause tooth decay, it also destroys the ligaments and bone tissue that support the teeth, eventually leading to tooth loss. Many of the patients we treat suffer from gum disease and a significant number of these patients are also diabetic,” says the dental implants professional in New Jersey.

So, how can gum disease be treated and what can Rutherford residents living with diabetes do to mitigate the impact of this terrible disease on the health of their teeth and gums?

Stay Tuned for Part 2 to Find Out!

The Key Benefits of Getting New Teeth Using Dental Implants

This article explores the benefits of choosing dental implants to replace missing teeth and not conventional removable dentures.

We all know that your teeth are quite useful in helping you eat. This becomes especially evident when you lose your teeth to gum or periodontal disease and are forced to either manage without them entirely, or with teeth replacement devices such as removable dentures. The value in getting new teeth with dental implants goes so much further than in restoring bite function and, of course, your appearance; although these are among the most important benefits. In this article, the Oral & Maxillofacial Surgeons who work with new teeth implants will be explaining to us the key benefits patients can expect to enjoy from getting beautiful new teeth.

Smile Again

New Teeth Implants

So many people live with failing and/or missing teeth and gum disease for so long that they forget what it’s like to smile openly without embarrassment, shame or reservation. Those family photos just aren’t what they could be with a miserable and uncomfortable-looking parent or grandparent standing in the background, are they?

With new teeth, you will immediately enjoy the ability to smile openly again. The bridge held in place using dental implants is expertly fabricated to look just like a complete set of natural teeth and gums, so your smile will once again be beautiful, healthy and natural looking without the thin, pinched appearance that dentures typically give.

Eat Your Favorite Foods

New Teeth

Your teeth are an important part of your digestive system! Without them or with inferior teeth replacement technologies, such as removable dentures, you simply can’t enjoy the variety of foods you used to. In fact, eating can become such a challenge that the edentulous elderly can suffer from malnutrition as a result! Patients also experience digestive problems because they are not able to chew their food properly.

A dental implant-supported bridge facilitates a strong and natural bite force that enables patients to eat most of their favorite foods and even those you thought you’d never be able to manage again, such as steak and corn on the cob. Eating and chewing comfortably, without teeth that hurt your gums and move around, is just one of the many benefits offered by dental implants.

Additionally, owing to the much lesser bulk used in the fabrication of the bridge (as opposed to dentures), it won’t compromise your ability to taste your food properly, nor sense subtle variations in its temperature and texture.

Feel Comfortable and Confident

New teeth implants offer an impressive suite of benefits and advantages over traditional removable dentures. In addition to those mentioned above, dental implants…

  • Once healed, don’t typically damage the neighboring teeth in your mouth or the surrounding gums,
  • Help prevent persistent pain and discomfort often associated with removable dentures
  • They help to promote excellent jawbone health and in doing so, prevent atrophy and a loss of bone volume,
  • This in turn helps to prevent premature aging and the need to have the dental bridge refitted to accommodate the changing shape of the jawbone (as is the case with dentures.)
  • Dental implants are typically a one-time expense because they can last many decades and seldom require restoration or replacement.
  • They typically do not need repeat expenses, such as adhesive strips, soaking solutions and anesthetic gels,
  • Implant supported bridges do not generally trigger the gag reflex or cause embarrassing social problems, such as halitosis (as dentures can).

For all these reasons and more, new teeth specialists urge Americans in need of a second chance at a beautiful smile to seek treatment using dental implants. Make a long-term investment in your oral health and quality of life.

Five Reasons the New Teeth Implant Cost in NJ is WORTH IT!

This article provides five reasons why dental implants are worth the cost and why patients shouldn’t consider any other tooth/teeth replacement method.

There are currently tens of millions of Americans living without any natural teeth left in their mouths. Millions more are on the verge of becoming edentulous and the sad fact is that the vast majority of these people will opt to have removable dentures fitted instead of covering the new teeth implant cost in NJ. While it is widely known that dental implants are the best and most sophisticated technology for the replacement of missing teeth, what patients tend to fixate on is their cost alone. Well, we sat down with some dental implant specialists in NJ and asked them to lay down a counter argument. Here are the five excellent reasons the new implant cost is worth it!

New Teeth Implant Cost NJ

1. You get teeth that are fixed and non-removable.

You only need to wear removable dentures for a few weeks or months to appreciate just what a privilege it is to have teeth that don’t constantly shift around while you eat and speak. This is not only a common cause of social awkwardness amongst denture-wearers; it is also a source of discomfort and can make eating incredibly difficult.

“I ended up taking my dentures out to eat. What’s the point of buying false teeth in the first place if you eat more comfortably without them?” said one NJ denture-wearer prior to investing in dental implants.

2. You can eat what you want, including your favorite foods, without difficulty, embarrassment or compromise.

Dental implants support a strong and natural bite, enabling patients to manage a varied and healthy diet. Removable dentures are notoriously difficult to eat with and over time, may actually result in a much weakened bite force. This can actually have a profound impact on patient nutrition, which may shorten life expectancy!

3. You can enjoy a healthy, beautiful mouth and smile and much improved social confidence.

Dental implants support a healthy jaw bone and prevent the atrophication (shrinking away) process that leads to the deterioration of one’s youthful facial contours. The bridge supported by the implants is also far slimmer in construction and so looks more natural and feels more natural. The smile confidence patients enjoy from covering the new teeth implant cost in NJ, as opposed to having dentures fitted, manifests itself in every conceivable sphere of living, from the social to the professional environments.

4. You can forget about the inconveniences, challenges and discomforts caused by wearing traditional removable dentures.

New Teeth One Day - Dental Implant NJ

Forget about the need to remove your teeth after meals and at nighttime for cleaning and/or soaking. The triggering of the gag reflex, the impeded ability to taste your food properly, dreaded “denture breath”, oral sores, gum inflammation and the need to have your dentures refitted every few years or so are also things of the past if you choose dental implants in NJ as your teeth replacement technology.

5. Your teeth can last you a lifetime, making the “All-On-4™” the most cost-effective teeth replacement technology.

That’s right! Dental implants are typically a one-time investment, making them the far smarter and more cost effective option!

New Teeth Specialists in Rutherford Challenge Six Common Myths about Dental Implants, PART 2

This four-part series scrutinizes and dispels six of the common misconceptions people have about dental implants and dental implant procedures.

In spite of the well-known fact that dental implants offer the most sophisticated and long-lasting replacement solution to missing teeth, countless Americans still opt for older, inferior technologies, such as removable dentures and conventional bridges. In our previous article post, New Teeth specialists in Rutherford dispelled the first of the myths and misconceptions that compel people to make the wrong teeth replacement choices: that dental implants are prohibitively expensive. In this article, the second installment of a four-part series we shall address another key misconception.

Busting Myth # 2: It Hurts to Get Dental Implants

New Teeth Rutherford

With the availability of anesthesia, sedative medications and narcotic painkillers, pain simply isn’t a factor anymore – during the procedure or after it. If you suffer from anxiety, you can take a mild oral sedative on the morning of your surgery, which will calm your nerves and make you feel more relaxed. You will receive a local or general anesthesia (depending on the nature of your procedure) immediately prior to your surgery, which will prevent you from feeling any pain or discomfort. Afterwards, you will be sent home with prescription analgesic medication to help manage any post-operative discomfort, although this in itself is typically minimal.

The use of computer imaging programs and sophisticated diagnostic medical equipment (such as 3-D Cone Beam CT scans) in the planning and execution of dental implant surgery has rendered such procedures far less invasive in nature. Instead using less accurate 2 dimensional x-rays to plan the correct sites and positioning of new teeth implants, Rutherford patients already have their surgery planned in great detail before they even walk through the door! This not only makes surgery safer and more predictable, it eliminates many risks and complications, as well as the need for incisions and sutures: the source of most post-operative discomfort.

New Teeth Rutherford - New Teeth One Day

So, quite simply, dental implant surgery is not something you need to fear. New teeth specialists in Rutherford do everything in their power to help keep patients as comfortable and as anxiety and pain-free as possible throughout the course of their experience.

Busting Myth # 3: Dental Implants will Eventually Need Replacing

Not always! Dental implants have a typical lifespan of 20 to 30 years. If you really look after your teeth and avoid detrimental habits and lifestyle choices – such as smoking, an unhealthy diet, excessive alcohol consumption and poor oral hygiene – there’s seldom any reason why you can’t keep your dental implants for life! Many of the patients who received dental implants 40 years ago still have their replacement teeth and they don’t exhibit any sign of slowing down!

The bottom line is that dental implants don’t always eventually require replacement, although even if they do they still last decades longer than traditional teeth replacement technologies. If you look after your teeth and are in good health, you should be able to keep your implants for life!

Stay Tuned for Part 3

To read up on more of the common myths and misconceptions surrounding dental implants and the procedures used to get new teeth implants in Rutherford, stay tuned for the third installment of this four-part article series.